Is AI the Emperor's new clothes?

In this month's newsletter, Anna shares all the latest updates—from new initiatives and networking events to articles and exciting collaborations in AI and HR. You'll also get a glimpse of what's coming up, including new podcast episodes, Friday Live on LinkedIn, training sessions, and the latest industry trends. Don't miss this month's reflection on the true value of AI. As always, the goal is to keep you informed and inspired in HR Tech and digitalization!

Welcome back to work! I've had the chance to launch several different initiatives, attend numerous networking meetings, provide training and advice, and also recover from being sick 🤧🤢. Of course, I want to share everything that's happening with me before we dive into the usual industry news.

In this month's reflection, you'll find my latest article on the theme of AI and HR.

Here are my updates:

This newsletter via email? Now in both Swedish and English 🇸🇪🇬🇧🇺🇸

Since starting this newsletter, I've only published it on LinkedIn, which then sends emails to you, but that doesn’t always work smoothly. That's why I'm now offering the option to subscribe to the newsletter via email, and also deliver it in English for those who don’t speak Swedish.

  • Sign up here for the newsletter in Swedish.
  • Register your email here for the newsletter in English.

New podcast sidekick and the season has started! 🎧

For those following me here, this may not be news, but on Monday, I introduced Emira Blomberg as my new sidekick on the podcast, and we launched our first episode together. You'll get to know me a bit better. Who is Anna Carlsson, the person behind HR Digi, HR Digitaliseringspodden, and this newsletter?

Listen to the episode here: Anna Carlsson in depth: HR, digitalization, and opportunities.

The "normal" season continues, and in September you'll hear:

  • Episode 83: After Emira, the next episode will feature the fantastic Patrik Reman, a passionate HR consultant with an interesting background in HR, digitalization, and AI. We discuss the challenges traditional HR processes face and how new digital tools can revolutionize the way we work.
  • Episode 84: We meet Fredrik Carlén, CEO of Forefront Amplify, and Carl-Magnus Fernqvist, CEO and co-founder of They have truly explored the area of recruiting based on potential and skills. How do you do this practically, and what digital support is needed for both candidates and hiring managers?

Friday Live on LinkedIn 8:30-9:00 and a new AI collaboration

Last Friday, Thomas Eklöf and I hosted our first audio event on LinkedIn, "Ask the HR Experts About AI and Digitalization." This audio event will now take place every Friday morning, so feel free to join us on my LinkedIn page, Anna Carlsson, at 8:30 AM! This Friday, Thomas couldn’t join, so Emira will step in instead 👏🏻.

Our collaboration focuses on enhancing my expertise in AI details. Therefore, we're launching our joint training, "HR Tech and AI for HR Pros 🤖," with the first session on October 15-16. It's a two-day training for those who want to lead, manage, or influence their organization's digital HR journey, where AI is one of your best tools. We also want to make it possible to ask short questions directly to us, which is why we're starting these digital Friday events on LinkedIn.

More info about the course can be found here:

Wednesday lunches in Stockholm 12:00-13:00

Want to have lunch with me in Södermalm, Stockholm, on a Wednesday? We’ll talk about HR and Tech, which also means AI since it’s part of tech. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned professional, everyone is welcome, but the max number of attendees is eight. One hour of informal conversation with each other, and lunch. Yesterday, we had our first lunch, and of course, we had plenty to discuss. The next opportunity is on September 11, and you can find the invitation on my page!

This month's newsletter:

  • Monthly Reflection
  • Noted in the HR Tech Industry 💡
  • Events and Skills Development
  • Podcast news 🎧 (found in the intro above)

Monthly Reflection: Is AI the Emperor's New Clothes?

Remember the story by H.C. Andersen? It's about an emperor who is tricked into believing he wears magnificent clothes, while in reality, he is naked 🤴🫣. Everyone around him plays along with the illusion, afraid to seem ignorant, until a child dares to speak the truth.

In relation to AI, the story symbolizes how we can sometimes be blinded by the hype surrounding new technology, like generative AI, and lose our critical thinking. We risk embracing tools like ChatGPT as a universal solution simply because everyone else seems to be doing so, without fully understanding their limitations. Just like the emperor and his court didn’t dare admit that they couldn’t actually see any clothes.

I'm thrilled that HR is taking an interest in something digital and different. But I'm concerned that we’re not taking other digital advancements, which create long-term value in our organizations, as seriously. The article is written with the need in mind for us to become just as knowledgeable in other tech and data as we try to be in AI.

In English, the term “Tech literacy” is used to describe the skills everyone needs in any role, whether in HR, finance, or as a CEO. It means we all need to have the competence, the ability to think critically, assess risks, and use tech (and AI) where it has an impact.

How do we get there, HR 🤔?

AI – the Emperor's New Clothes?

Don’t get too focused on AI! For us to succeed in our digital future, we need to use the entire toolbox - Anna Carlsson, HR Tech Analyst

You can read the article here.

Noted in the HR Tech Industry💡

EU AI Act - Are You Ready?

The most significant development right now is the new AI regulation coming into force in the EU. Starting from August 2024, new rules for AI systems will be implemented across all 27 EU countries. These regulations, known as the EU AI Act (AIA), are designed to balance innovation with the protection of health, safety, and fundamental rights of individuals. There’s much discussion around its impact on our competitiveness, similar to when GDPR was introduced.

From January 1, 2025, certain types of systems, such as high-risk ones (e.g., social scoring, facial recognition, etc.), will be banned unless justified to protect life and health. By the summer of 2026, other areas will be regulated, requiring, for example, the storage of decisions, documentation, and transparency about what the AI does.

Here are two sources for good information:

Industry Investments in HR and Work Tech in Q2

Venero Capital Advisors, which invests globally in HR Tech and Work Tech, notes some trends from Q2.

Hot areas:

  • Artificial Intelligence (😍), particularly in Recruitment and Talent Acquisition, employee support, HR Analytics, and data-driven decision-making.
  • Skills in recruitment, learning and development, career paths, and development plans.
  • Workforce management (there doesn’t seem to be a Swedish term for this), which refers to digital solutions for workers outside office environments.
  • Onboarding.
  • Employee well-being and mental health.

This indicates that providers in these areas are doing well and receiving investments.

Challenging areas

  • Recruitment which is becoming interesting.

The last 18 months have been the toughest in a long time for the recruitment industry. Both recruitment technology providers and recruitment firms have felt the downturn in hiring, as companies have reduced their spending. With a median annual growth rate of -2%, “unchanged” has become the new definition of “growth” for this sector.

Swedish provider Learnster raises capital through a new issue

You can read the article here -->Swedish Learnster raises 31 million for continued growth.

Future Place Leadership has now published its latest talent report

A tech strategy for recruitment doesn’t work unless you know how to position yourself for the people you need to recruit and have a clear Employer Brand. In this report, you can find answers to your questions and information about 75 Swedish cities. A free version is available.

Two highlights from this year's report:

  • Gothenburg remains Sweden’s most attractive city, ahead of Stockholm, although Stockholm is closing the gap significantly.
  • Uppsala is one of the big losers in this year’s ranking.

You can find the report here.

Benify is up for sale

You can read more here.

News from Intelliplan

Intelliplan acquires Danish Emini and creates a Nordic market leader in temp staffing.

Two Swedish companies on the global list for emerging edtech

In Sweden, we are fantastic at creating good tech solutions. As a result, these companies are also included on global lists. On the list below, which highlights Edtech companies, you'll find Alva Labs and Sana 👏🏻

You can read more here --> The top emerging edtech companies for workforce development in 2024 — edtech 20:20 vision.

ChatGPT receives advanced voice functionality

OpenAI has begun rolling out its new advanced voice feature, Voice Mode, to a small group of ChatGPT Plus users. This feature, based on GPT-4, enables more natural and interactive conversations where users can interrupt at any time, and the AI can adapt to the user's emotions.
Read more here.

McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook

As the final news item, McKinsey & Company released their report in July. While it’s not specifically HR-related, it may be of interest to the curious. The report states that despite a 30-40% decline in tech investments in 2023, future technologies like generative AI and renewable energy continue to grow. Generative AI has seen a 700% increase in searches. Companies are focusing on long-term strategies to adapt to new technologies, with a strong demand for talent in these areas.
Read more here.

Events and Professional Development


  • September 19 - 3 sessions - HR 💜 Tech & AI - digital
    Read more and register here.
  • October 15-16, 2024 (or February 4-5, 2025) - HR Tech and AI for HR professionals 🤖 - Stockholm
    Read more and register here.

In-person Events 👯

  • September 18-19 - Stockholm - Learning Conference
    You can read more about the event here.
  • October 23-24 - HR Days. In Stockholm and digital
    Our best local event for innovation inspiration.
    You can read more about the event here.
  • November 12 - Stockholm - HR System Day 2024
    Sweden's HR and Personnel System providers gather to present their latest innovations.
    You can read more about the event here.

Various International Events 🌍

  • Gartner Reimagine HR, September 17-18, London
    Read more about the event here.
  • September 24-27 - HR Technology Conference - Las Vegas
    👏🏻 Are you joining me in Las Vegas this year? Feel free to reach out if you're planning to attend at I’ll be traveling as usual 🧳✈️ and would love to meet up there!
    Read more about the event here.
  • Unleash World, October 16-17, Paris
    Similar to HR Days - but 100x bigger.
    Read more about the event here.

About the Newsletter

The goal of this newsletter is to share news about the HR Tech market and digitalization and innovation in leadership and HR. I also discuss episodes of the HR Digitalization Podcast.

About the Author

My name is Anna Carlsson, and I am a curious HR Tech analyst with over 20 years of experience at the intersection of business, people, and technology. I believe that technology is not a side activity within HR; digitalization is fundamental to creating a more people-focused workplace. My passion is leading the movement for the future of HR by co-creating it with clients and colleagues, as well as educating and developing organizations and individuals.

I run HR Digi, which includes the HR Digitalization Podcast, where I also serve as the host. At HR Digi, we offer consulting, training, and inspiration to help create a modern digital organization. I am also now on the 2024 Top 100 HR Tech Influencers list 👏🏻

👉 Book a digital coffee with me, and we can discuss how I can support your work.

Have a great late summer ☀️🍦‍