Anna Carlsson named one of the world's top 100 HR Tech influencers for 2024

Anna Carlsson has been named one of the top 100 HR Tech influencers in the world for 2024 by Human Resources Executive magazine!

This significant award is given to individuals who have made substantial and important contributions in the field of HR technology, an area that is often complex and comprises many different programs, platforms, data, and providers. Now in its sixth year, the list highlights individuals who have a significant impact in HR technology. These leaders, with their knowledge and experience, help others understand and utilize HR technology and drive changes within the HR industry.

Anna Carlsson is one of two Swedes on the list, along with Johannes Sundlo, which emphasizes Sweden's presence and influence in HR technology on a global level.

Anna thanks for the trust and promises to continue working hard to live up to the award.

Thanks a lot for including me πŸ™πŸ» I will do my utmost to continue to earn this trust.‍
